Images on Compute Node¶
List of disk images imported onto a compute node’s storage. These images are ready to be used by virtual servers created on the same node storage.

Access Permissions | |
SuperAdmin | read-write |
Image Parameters¶
Alias (name) - Unique image identifier (usually used in the API), user-defined name of an image (usually displayed in the GUI) and image version.
Access - Image visibility. One of:
- Public - Image is usable by all users in this virtual data center.
- Private - Image is usable by SuperAdmins and owners of this image.
- Deleted - Image is hidden and unusable for new servers, but can be still used by some already defined servers.
Owner - Image owner.
DC-bound? - Whether a disk image is bound to a specific virtual data center.
Size - Minimal virtual disk size required by a disk image (read-only).
OS Type - Operating system type (read-only). One of:
- Linux VM
- Windows VM
- SunOS VM
- SunOS Zone
- Linux Zone
Status - Current state of a disk image (read-only). One of:
- ok - Image is ready to use.
- pending - Image is being created, updated or deleted.
Servers - Number of virtual servers, which use the image for their disk.
Datacenters - Number of virtual data centers the disk image is attached to.
Importing an Image To a Compute Node Storage¶
The import of images is carried out automatically before deploying the virtual server onto the compute node.
It is possible to manually import a disk image by using a proper API function.
Removing an Image From a Compute Node Storage¶
Unused disk images can be removed from a node storage in two ways:
Removing a specific disk image form a node storage
Removing all unused disk images from a node storage by using the Delete unused images action.