

api.mon.node.views.mon_node_sla(*args, **kwargs)

Get (GET) SLA for requested compute node and month.

GET /mon/node/(hostname)/sla/(yyyymm)
  • - SLA value is retrieved from monitoring server
  • - SLA value is cached
  • hostname (string) – required - Node hostname
  • yyyymm (integer) – required - Time period in YYYYMM format
Status Codes:


api.mon.node.views.mon_node_history(*args, **kwargs)

Get (GET) monitoring history for requested node and graph name.

GET /mon/node/(hostname)/history/(graph)
  • hostname (string) – required - Compute node hostname
  • graph (string) – required - Graph identificator. One of:
cpu-usage - Total compute node CPU consumed by the Node.
cpu-waittime - Total amount of time spent in CPU run queue by the Node.
cpu-load - 1-minute load average.
mem-usage - Total compute node physical memory consumed by the Node.
swap-usage - Total compute node swap space used.
net-bandwidth - The amount of received and sent network traffic through the virtual network interface. requires data.nic
net-packets - The amount of received and sent packets through the virtual network interface. requires data.nic
storage-throughput - The amount of read and written data on the zpool.
storage-io - The amount of I/O read and write operations performed on the zpool.
storage-space - ZFS zpool space usage by type.
vm-cpu-usage - CPU consumed by each virtual machine on the compute node.
vm-mem-usage - Physical memory consumed by each virtual machine on the compute node.
vm-disk-logical-throughput-reads - Amount of data read on the logical layer (with acceleration mechanisms included) by each virtual machine on the compute node.
vm-disk-logical-throughput-writes - Amount of data written on the logical layer (with acceleration mechanisms included) by each virtual machine on the compute node.
vm-disk-logical-io-reads - Number of read operation performed on the logical layer (with acceleration mechanisms included) by each virtual machine on the compute node.
vm-disk-logical-io-writes - Number of write operation performed on the logical layer (with acceleration mechanisms included) by each virtual machine on the compute node.
vm-disk-physical-throughput-reads - Amount of data read on the physical (disk) layer by each virtual machine on the compute node.
vm-disk-physical-throughput-writes - Amount of data written on the physical (disk) layer by each virtual machine on the compute node.
vm-disk-physical-io-reads - Number of read operation performed on the physical (disk) layer by each virtual machine on the compute node.
vm-disk-physical-io-writes - Number of write operation performed on the physical (disk) layer by each virtual machine on the compute node.
  • data.since (integer) – Return only values that have been received after the given UNIX timestamp (default: now - 1 hour)
  • data.until (integer) – Return only values that have been received before the given UNIX timestamp (default: now)
  • data.nic (string) – only used with net-bandwidth and net-packets graphs to specify name of the NIC for which graph should be retrieved.
  • data.zpool (string) – only used with storage-throughput, storage-io and storage-space graphs to specify name of the zpool for which graph should be retrieved.
Status Codes: